Talking Pictures, now narrated by Celia Imrie

Talking Pictures returns: a look back at television appearances by legends of the silver screen, using archive footage to tell the story of their lives and careers.
Celia Imrie takes a moonlit stroll through the BBC archives to explore one of the best-loved of all movie genres - the romantic comedy. With classic interviews from cinematic couples like Doris Day and Rock Hudson, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, Celia shows how bringing two characters together and adding some laughs can result in the perfect movie formula. She also highlights how the rom com has, over the years, given many fantastic female actors the opportunity to shine over their male co-stars, and looks at the ‘Hugh’ factor – and the impact of Richard Curtis’s Four Weddings and a Funeral on Hollywood romance in the 21st century.
Talking Pictures, now narrated by Celia Imrie, returns Saturday 15th February 2020 at 4.40pm on BBC2, starting with Rom Coms.